Sunday, November 27, 2016

Coding Project 1 - STEM - Lou Person

STEM Lab by Lou Person: Introduction to Quite BASIC.

This lab is geared for students ages 10-12.  It should take 15 minutes to complete.  The goal of this lab is to get used to work with the Quite BASIC coding emulator.  During the lab, you will edit the code and then run the code.  You will also test and fix a bug in the code.

Second, change the code to this (you can select the old code, delete it and copy and past this code in:

1200 CLS
2010 REM
2020 PRINT
2300 REM User input
2320 PRINT "Press 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5!"
2330 LET A = GETCHAR()
2340 IF A = "1" OR A = "2" OR A = "3" OR A = "4" OR A = "5" THEN GOTO 2370
2350 PAUSE 100
2560 GOTO 2330
2370 PRINT
2380 IF A = "1" THEN PRINT "1 ----------"
2390 IF A = "2" THEN PRINT "2 ----------"
2400 IF A = "3" THEN PRINT "3 ----------"
2410 IF A = "3" THEN PRINT "4 ----------"
2420 IF A = "5" THEN PRINT "5 ----------"
2430 END

Third, fix the bug where A is not being checked for 4.

Fourth, change the print statement to replace the ------------ with meangingful messages of whatever you want.

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